

There are several laundry facilities conveniently located throughout campus for residential students. These facilities include laundry centers, laundry rooms and coin laundry rooms.


洗衣 machines only accept newbb电子平台现金 and/or quarters.




  • Do not leave your laundry unattended.
  • Arrive early enough to complete your laundry before the laundry center closes.
  • All of our machines are High Efficiency (HE) units, and require care in using the appropriate type and amount of soap.
  • The machines are designed to shutdown and remain locked (trapping your laundry inside) if too much soap is detected. The machine will not unlock until the soap has deteriorated.

Speed Queen 洗衣 Tracking App

A new feature of the laundry facilities on campus is integration with the Speed Queen app monitoring system, which allows students to check the status of the washers and dryers. Click the following link for more information Speed Queen 洗衣 Tracking App.

Instructions and Information

For laundry tips and instructions please visit www.laundrypalooza.com


洗衣 centers are large facilities designed to accommodate a large number of students at one time and have between 40 and l00 machines. A major benefit of laundry centers is the ability to use newbb电子平台现金 instead of coin. Click the link for more information on newbb电子平台现金.


洗衣 centers are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


East Green - Gamertsfelder - located at ground level 在 back side of the building
West Green - Treudley - located at ground level from the back side of the building
South Green - Dougan - located at ground level


洗衣 rooms are small in-hall facilities and are only designed to service a small number of students at one time. These facilities are only available to students that are residents of the hall in which they are located. Like all laundry rooms on campus, you can use coins or your Bobcat card to start the washers and dryers. Click the link for more information on newbb电子平台现金.


In hall laundry rooms are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


East Green - Biddle, Bryan, Jefferson, Lincoln, Shively, and Voigt
West Green - Bromley, James, and Convocation Center
南格林-亚当斯, 棕色(的), 卡尔, 克劳福德, 尤因, 胡佛, 的限度, 麦金农, 皮克林, Sowle, 田中, 真正的, 和雷


newbb电子平台现金 is money put on deposit with the University (similar to a prepaid debit card) that can be used at the dining halls, 便利店, 自动售货机, laundry centers all laundry room locations, and various on campus food-service, 零售, and public printing operations. Add money to this account and then use the newbb电子平台-issued ID card to access this service. Additional deposits can be added as needed throughout the academic year. newbb电子平台现金 cannot be used off-campus. The only campus bookstore that currently accepts newbb电子平台现金 is the 赞斯维尔 Campus Bookstore.

newbb电子平台现金 account balances automatically carry over to each new semester and academic year, provided the cardholder remains a registered student or employee of newbb电子平台.

请参阅 条款 & 条件页面 for more information 在 structure of the newbb电子平台现金 program.